
H.W.Wilson Limited has joined the Low Carbon Business Programme


H.W.Wilson Limited have joined The Low Carbon Business programme, which aims to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Thames Gateway area to reduce their carbon footprint and therefore increase their competitiveness.

An initial survey into the effectiveness of our resources indicated that H.W.Wilson Limited could benefit from installing a new, efficient boiler and replacing our roof. These improvements will make a significant impact to our energy usage and we hope to see major savings over the next 12 months.  Whilst these two projects are being undertaken, we are still looking at other ways to reduce our energy usage. We encourage all staff to contribute their ideas with regard to reducing our carbon footprint and have a lights and machines off policy in our Head Office.

We have also purchased some new fleet vehicles which are Euro 5 rated to replace our least efficient vans. This is also in line with our Environmental Management System Standard ISO 14001. We will be closely monitoring the results of these improvements and a report will be made available in July 2012.

(23rd February 2012 - Amy Farr)

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