Hannahs Bakery Extension

This contract was won via competitive tender through Huggins Bromage Ferguson Architects. The project involved some minor demolition and the construction of a two storey extension to the existing bakery facility. Access to the site was limited to either; via the Grays shopping precinct, or from the 2nd storey of the multi storey car park, in the town centre. The bakery was left fully operational during the whole of the project, and good communication was kept at all times with the centre facility management team to ensure a smooth completion to the scheme.

Project Title
Bakery Extension. ‘Hannahs’. 21 High St, Grays, Essex  Start Date
June 2010
Client Hannahs Bakery Completion December 2010
Architect/Agent Gawain Ferguson Value £210,000
Contract Manager Philip Pearson Reference B4935
Orsett Show
Once again H W Wilson is a proud sponsor of renowned Orsett Show which returns for its 116th edition tomorrow, Saturday 7 September 2024...
August Waste
Doing our bit for the Environment and recycling 100% of our waste during AugustA total of 40 cubic yards extracted from site and recycled, Zero - To Landfield: 100% (40yds) of waste from site was converted to re-usable materials.The remaining material was disposed of as RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel), meaning NO WASTE ended up at landfill.#loveconstruction#CCScheme...